Thursday, January 31, 2013

10 Months OLD!

I can't even believe that in 5 days my little baby will no longer be 10 months old, but will be 11 months, which is only 1 month away from being a whole year OLD!!

Since I messed up and didn't post for months at a time and did not write down all of Emmy's little perks for every month, I am now scared I will do it again so I make notes on my phone every time she does something cute. I think everything she does is cute, so the list is pretty long for this month!

1. When she likes a song she claps. And dances. And bounces. And shakes her head. And sometimes puts her hands up in the air, which is my FAVE. Unfortunately she is currently obsessed with a strange song that my dad has on his phone. It sounds like it is from another country and I really dislike it. Well, it's now on my phone because she likes it so much. Here is a video of her dancing in her high chair to this weird song, even though she was very very sick:

2. She loves to play patty cakes and if you start to sing it she will start to clap. Sometimes I do this in the car if she is fussing and it works like a charm!

3. Whenever someone else is laughing, she laughs. I use to always think it was so funny when other kids did this. I didn't realize it was something most kids do! I love it. It is like they know exactly what is going on.

4. When she waves bye bye, or if you are lucky enough to see her do it because it is like she is too embarrassed to do it, she will wave at herself.

5. Since she now has two top teeth and two bottom teeth, she grits them together. It grosses me out. Hopefully she grows out of that!

6. Poor Emmy Lou got sick this month. She got her second (and last) flu shot and not an hour later she had a really high fever. I called the doctor and they said it is normal to have up to a 102 degree fever and that it could last about 2 days. On the 3rd day of running on very little sleep and feeling like I just couldn't keep the fever down, I took her in. After being there for an hour and a half, and what seemed like a million tests later, we found out that she did not have an ear infection, did not have the flu (so it wasn't what I thought it was caused from), but she had a nasty UTI (in case you didn't know that does not stand for "Ultimate Tanning Institution"). After a week on the meds she was finally better and she had another doctor's appointment to make sure she was cured. That test came back good, but wait, more tests? Yes. She had to go to the Children's Hospital in ATL a week later to have an ultrasound on her kidneys to make sure there was no damage. After that test, did I find out there was going to be another? Yes. And at this point I was furious. Emmy officially hates doctors and their offices and anything that resembles a table in an office. Luckily, all the tests came back A-OK and I am praying I never have to do that again.

7. If you ask her for kisses, she puts, or sometimes slams, her forehead to yours. That is how she gives kisses!

8. She is SO SO FAST in her walker. She will chase Kaillou (the dog) around and if you aren't careful she will even chase you. You have to watch for her because she will bruise your ankles. She also runs into walls when she is going too fast. She thinks her walker is the funnest thing ever.

9. She absolutely loves Kaillou. She is always trying to play with him with his toys, chase after him, pet him, and feed him. Whenever she is eating her puffs in her high chair, he will beg her for some. She of course throws every last one to him, then cries for more. Well, the other day at dinner, she did this and we told her she couldn't have anymore because she would feed them to Kaillou. She cried. So we let her have one in her mouth. What does she do??? Leans over her high chair to where Kaillou is, opens her mouth, AND GIVES IT TO HIM!!! She is too smart for her own good.

10. She definitely has a low pain tolerance like her dad. The littlest bump or boo boo and it is the end of the world.

11. So, Emmy has had a bath just about every night of her life. In my opinion, babies definitely need one. They go to the bathroom on themselves, get food all over, and in some cases spit up a lot. She has always had them in her little pink bath tub just big enough for her, up until a week ago. She would cry and scream if we were out of town or away from her pink bath tub and tried to bathe her in the regular tub, so between deciding I wanted her to be ok with bathing any where, and thinking she was kinda out growing the pink tub, I decided to start putting her in the big tub. Day 1: cried for the first 5 minutes, then held back the tears long enough to finish her bath. Day 2: cried for 1 minute then played for a while. Day 3 and so on: NO CRYING!!! Had I known it would only take a couple of times for her to be ok with it, I would have done it a month ago. Now she plays and is happy being in the big tub!
Pink tub

Day 1

Day 3

12. Last Sunday, when people would be singing, Emmy would start to "sing". I hope this never stops.

13. She is now 20.6 lbs. and is in a new car seat that sits up, but still faces back.

14. She rubs everything on her nose, and your nose, too. I don't know what it is about her nose, but she seems to have a thing about things touching it because she gets a sleepy look in her eyes no matter what she rubs it on. She especially loves blankets. The other day she saw me holding one and she took it and started rubbing her face in it. Automatically when she has one she does that. And she can't fall asleep without rubbing one on her face.

15. She knows what her "baby" is and she will hug, kiss, and feed it. She even takes the toy bottle and feeds her stuffed animals.

16. For Christmas, my parents got Emmy a little shopping cart. She has learned how to push it and will take off! If she runs into something and gets stuck she gets frustrated, which is why we have been playing with it in the basement today so that she has less to run into and more space to go! I'm pretty sure she will be walking (more than the 4-5 steps she does now) in no time!

17. I got her a little tooth brush with some baby approved tooth paste (oral gel) and when ever she sees me pull it out she gets excited and is ready to brush her teeth. I am so proud.

Well there is my super long list. Now here is what I need you to do: comment on this post and tell me how in the world I can follow people on my dashboard. I am following a few people but I can't remember how I did that. I don't want to follow them through email, just through my dashboard! Hints?

1 comment:

  1. KATIE! Holy moly, your child is adorable! As for following others, there should be a button under the 'Followers' - either to log in or follow. Anyways, she's a beautiful girl, I wish I could meet her. Love ya!
