Thursday, August 22, 2013

"Happiness isn't a destination...

It is a way of life." Have I ever told you guys I have an awesome sister in law? Well, I do. And shortly after moving to Idaho, surely knowing I needed an inspirational quote to live by, she picked me up a little sign that said that. So now, whenever I'm totally in the slums about my location, I think about that sign and get to movin!

Turns out, I completely love this little house. MaYbE not so much the "destination" of it, but I am doing everything I can to make this little house a home. And I have been loving on every inch of it since we got here! It is so much fun to decorate it and make it our own. My germaphobia has seemed to gotten worse though, which makes me have major anxiety and OCD, but that's ok because that means my house is super clean!

Since I wrote last we have done so much and Emmy has grown a ton. We drove across country (which Emmy was a total gem for), stopped in Missouri to see my grandparents and family, moved into our new house in Idaho, went to Island Park with Logan's family, and done a lot of playing!

Emmy is so big now. Not only is she big, she is getting so smart! Some facts about her:
-She loves her baby doll. She feeds her, brushes her teeth, rocks her, lets her go down the slide, takes her "grocery shopping", and takes her for stroller rides.
-Her favorite movie is Tangled. As soon as she hears it coming on or if I ask her if she wants to watch it she gets SO EXCITED!
-Her favorite foods are: Pizza, spaghetti, tomatoes, bananas, and anything with color. She absolutely will not eat meat. And the only way I can get her to eat potatoes are if they are cubed so she can stab them with her fork all by herself!
-Her current words: "bless" after she or someone else sneezes, "please" and "thank you" but very VERY rare, "here go" when she is handing you something, "tangled" which is hard to understand but she says it over and over trying to get it right, "juice", "no!" usually said while pointing her finger, "mom. mom. MOM.", "hug", "ice" for a piece of ice, "hot" which is said sometimes just because she doesn't want to eat something, "bunnies", "jump!" Logan is convinced she is gonna say this when she shouldn't and freak people out, "bad" which usually sounds like "Bob", "cheese" for string cheese, "up" to get on the bed or couch, "banana" which is way too hard still so she just says "beeee" over and over, and her all time favorite "baby!".
-When we go shopping she thinks she has to push the cart, and I usually let her because it keeps her happy.

Sorry this is a picture-less post. We don't have internet yet so I am bouncing off my phone's hotspot!

We are having so much fun turning our house into a home, now if only Mimi, Papaw, and Aunt Lindsey would hurry and get here!