It was suuuuper hot outside and we got there way too early so we decided to try to go inside, but had to figure out how since we had their tickets. Some how we got into the Delta Sky Lounge which was pretty fun--but we still don't know why they let us in!
It was a pretty packed stadium as you can see. And we had pretty good seats behind 3rd base in the 12th row. The Braves lost :( and Chipper Jones wasn't playing because he was hurt :( but it was still loads of fun and we even got to see fireworks after!
Afterwards-we went to pick up Emmy Lou. She was going to spend the night with her aunt Lindsey, but Emmy was REFUSING to sleep. Lindsey said that she would only be happy if she was being held right in front of the TV so she could watch Despicable Me. She slept all night when we got home. :)
That weekend was Memorial Day weekend so we decided to hit the pool on Saturday.
Emmy was so funny in her swim suit, sunglasses, and hat.
Baby pool diapers don't fit her yet (they are HUGE!) so we could only dip her legs and feet in, which I think was OK with her.
Also, it was super bright outside so we brought an umbrella to shade her with. She just sat on my knee watching her feet splash around in the water. I'm pretty sure she liked it. :)
Then she got sleepy so ofcourse she had to take a little nap on grandma!
She passed OUT so we decided it was nap time for the baby and they went back to the house!
The next week we decided we wanted to go to the aquarium. I for one had tons of fun, and I think Emmy did too because she was awake looking around the whole time we were there! Usually she falls asleep when she goes for a ride in a stroller (this case wheelchair because the stroller was forgotten at home), but nope! She was wide eyed!
The picture on the right is of her staring at the fishies. I can't wait to take her back when she is a little older! Or when Jessie and Cody bring the kids down. Which will happen. I am determined. haha :)
Also while her daddy was here we bought her a play mat!
And she is soooo grown up now that she will even sometimes GRAB her toys!
She just does a lot of grabbing in general lately. Examples: grabbing my hair, grabbing blankets/burp rags, etc., oh.. and most importantly.. grabbing my skirt during church right before I stand up! I'm just thankful she didn't have it at the bottom or that could have been embarrassing!
She finally got to wear her cute robe that her aunt Lindsey got her!
Some other things:
-I am halfway done with the semester!! Whoo hoo! So excited to take some months off to just play with baby.
-I got called as a primary teacher for the funnest group of 4-5 year olds! They are a tad crazy... but I love them!
-Logan just left for another few weeks. We will miss him, but when he gets back we have more fun things on our list to do!!
Yay! You're tougher then I am. Cody's gone for 4 days and I think my life is over! (although cooking for kids is a piece of cake and playing all day/night outside was awesome!) love the update. I hope we are coming...,,, crossing my fingers.